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Contact us:

1, Baggovutivska str.
04107 Kiev-107
Tel.: (+38 044) 383-11-45
Fax: (+38 044) 502-59-81
Medical Research Center of St. Paraskeva is a new center in western Ukraine, in Lviv, which includes the best diagnostic
package. We provide answers to the most difficult diagnostic questions in medicine.
First time in our medical practice we gathered innovative radiological equipment of the highest world level within an institution.
Such complex devices are used today in the influential European clinics and research centers at major European universities.
Thanks to creation of a national network of telemedicine, before establishment  of the diagnosis we can  involve experts from
domestic and European medical centers. Not only the magnitude (four-storey building area of 2600 square meters) impress,
but also powerful modern equipment:
· computed tomography (CT);
· MRI (MRI);
· mammography;
· Digital  X-ray;
· ultrasound diagnosis (USD);
· endoscopic video system
to disposable instruments and the possibility of medical and health procedures in the salt room.
However the uniqueness of this institution is that here, under one roof, you can find a multi-field  pediatric clinic department,
diagnostic lab(where you can make all tests without exceptions), the department of radiation diagnosis, House day-care, and
more. And center will be the base of doctors of the Western region with a concentration in "beam diagnostics "," endoscopy
"and" Laboratory Services ".
We have the responsibility and moral values, gathered experts who work in medicine by vocation, caring and  humane , which
are full of inspiration to move forward in their profession, love for people and God's healing.
The most important thing is a holistic approach to patient , whose soul needs medication too, not just the body. And spirit
needs support.
We understand that healing involves unity and harmony of the body, soul and spirit. And is impossible without the love to the
own profession and people .
About ST. PARASKEVa Medical Center